Monday, September 22, 2008

Time to Rebuild

My left side has gotten dumber since I last did the ROP. I'm having trouble pressing the 24 for more than 3 rungs on my left side. My right side is solid, but I keep lifting my shoulder and opening my ribcage when I try to move to a fourth rung on my left side. This really sucks, considering that when I last touched the KBs I was making great progress. I'm going to drop down to the 16(!) for my press ladders in an attempt to re-pattern my pressing groove, as I think that the side-presses from my PTTP experiment funked up my nervous system. I'm sure I could get all soft and cheat the 24 up, but I've chosen to live the life of hardstyle. Nothing good ever came from cheating, you pansy. Plus, I'm scheduled to complete an FMS this Sunday, so it should be interesting to see what it turns out.

My conditioning has also taken a dive, so I decided to figure out my VO2 cadence. It turned out to be 28, so 15/15=7 reps and 36/36=17 reps. I can't wait to explore this protocol! Well, sort of.

That's all for now...I've just been really busy.

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